The 15 Best Get-to-Know-You Games for Breaking the Ice
Ask yourself: When was the last time you had a conversation with your coworker that wasn’t work-related? If you can't remember, it may be a sign that you need to try some get-to-know-you games.
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Ask yourself: When was the last time you had a conversation with your coworker that wasn’t work-related? If you can't remember, it may be a sign that you need to try some get-to-know-you games.
If you have a hybrid or remote workforce, chances are you have planned countless virtual orientations so new hires can learn more about your company. From employee handbooks to insurance policies, there is a lot to discuss in a short amount of time. On top of that, it can sometimes be an overwhelming experience for a new hire. With so many new faces and people, it can be challenging to keep track of what’s what and who’s who.
There are many challenges you may face when trying to manage a remote or hybrid team. From midweek burnout to team member disconnect, many factors could be affecting the workplace experience.
We've all experienced moments of monotony at work. It's fun to engage in breaks throughout your workday to keep spirits high - and maybe even get to know your colleagues a bit better!
Statistics taking into account the impact of remote work on employee happiness say that likely a third of your employees are looking for a different job right now. Plus, about 81% of employees would consider leaving their job for the right offer, even if they are not actively looking.