Elevent Blog

Posts by

Lex Brinkman

loves being a manager but don’t tell anyone because it sounds very uncool. She’s worked in Operations, Sales, and Account Management for B2B and B2C businesses for over 5 years and is passionate about team cohesion and employee engagement.

woman with head in hands

Why You Need to Pay Attention to the Mental Impact of COVID-19

In most offices, there are typically three types of people: the ones who feel a moral obligation to remain upbeat regardless of their internal sphere, the ones who tell you exactly how they feel, and the ones who don’t give any indication of their personal or emotional landscape. Right now, all three have one thing in common: They’re exhausted, nervous, and altogether done with a protracted adjustment period that’s been positioned as everything from the "new normal" to the end of the world as we know it. Tension is high, along with fatigue, and very few would call themselves content (and they might even be lying).

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man working from home with dog

Best Virtual Icebreaker Ideas

You wake up with the first-day-of-work jitters. Nervous energy percolates as you brush your teeth. Things you had no desire to do a week ago, like putting on pants, suddenly seem thrilling. You saunter over to your desk with a steamy cup ready to get to work. Your cat circles your ankles almost as if to say, "You did it! You found a job during the pandemic!" You press the power button on your monitor and wait, optimistically, for the connection to establish.

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Entertainers Online: Top Strategies for Monetizing Virtual Content

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a period of unprecedented unemployment in recent history. Seemingly overnight, entire industries shifted. One that was the most swiftly hit was entertainment. For artists and entertainers that rely on an audience, live events halted with no roadmap to a return date. Everyone from stand-up comedians and magicians to murder mystery and trivia hosts quickly shifted to creating online content, forging new paths to provide their services virtually and generate income.

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